Kubernetes Introduction - Part 1

An Opensource container orchestration tool developed by Google.

Manages containerized applications in different deployment environments.

Why Kubernetes?

  1. High Availability

  2. Scalability

  3. Disaster Recovery

The architecture of Kubernetes:-

  1. The Kubernetes cluster consists of at least one master node and numerous worker nodes.

  2. Each node executes a process known as a Kubelet. This process aids in cluster communication and the execution of application processes on the nodes.

  3. The worker node's job is to run the application workloads deployed on it.

  4. The master node's job is to manage the worker nodes in the cluster. It runs several Kubernetes processes to manage the worker nodes in the cluster.

Kubernetes Processes:-

  1. API Server:- Endpoint to Kubernetes Cluster

  2. Controller Manager:- Monitors the cluster's live state.

  3. etcd:- Key-value storage/Kubernetes backing store

  4. Scheduler:- Ensures Intelligent Pod allocation

  5. Virtual Network:- Creates one unified machine from multiple master and worker nodes of the cluster