Kubernetes Introduction - Part 2

Kubernetes Components:-

  1. Pod:- Smallest unit of Kubernetes.

  2. Node:- Virtual/Physical Machines.

  3. Service:- Static IP address that can be linked to the pod.

  4. Ingress:- Provides externally-reachable URLs to Kubernetes Services

  5. ConfigMap:- Contains Kubernetes external configuration information as key-value pairs.

  6. Secret:- Contains confidential information such as passwords, credentials and certificates. Kubernetes, by default, doesn't encrypt the secret. We need to use third-party tools to encrypt the Kubernetes secrets.

  7. The ConfigMap and Secret are linked to the pod, allowing the pod to read data from ConfigMap and Secret.

  8. Volumes:- Volumes are a way to attach storage to a container or pod, making it possible to store and access data across the lifecycle of containers, which helps in persisting data in the node. Kubernetes cluster doesn't manage data persistence.

  9. Deployment:- It is a template/blueprint used to create, modify and manage the instances of the pods.

    E.g.:- Replication, Scaling up/down the pods.

  10. StatefulSet:-It is a blueprint used to create, modify and manage the instances of the database pods. Takes care of database consistency.

    E.g.:- Replication, Scaling up/down the pods.

Pod v/s Deployment



Abstraction on top of a container

Abstraction on top of a pod

Deployment v/s StatefulSet



For Stateless Applications

For Stateleful Applications or Databases


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